If you’re cooking for several people, like I do on a daily basis, you will want to know dishes that are at least “accepted” by everyone, suitable to prepare in large quantities and storable for several days in the fridge. I think of these as staples and here is my favorite.
- cook wholemeal rice (see package for instructions)
- heat big pot with a minimum of rape oil
- chop up every vegatable you want to get rid of (bell pepper, zucchini, carrots, etc.)
- throw vegetables in pot and stir-fry
- add some chilli and garlic
- deglaze with vinegar
- add can of chopped tomatoes in own juice
- bring to a boil
- add can of cooked kidney beans and/or frozen peas
- season with oatcream, kurkuma and paprika-powder
- add rice from 1.
- add herbs to taste (basil, parsley, etc.) and/or nutritional yeast
You should end up with a big pot of tomato-based vegatable rice, not too dull and not too spicy. This works just as well with pasta and potatoes even. Now is when the magic starts.
My wife is more on the sweet side when it comes to taste. She will drench my ORFA in tomato ketchup.
I like my food hot so I will sprinkle sriracha on top of my ORFA.

My five year old son adapts my brilliant and healthy ORFA to his liking by demanding a ham & cheese sandwich 🙁

Too bad there is neither ham nor cheese in our fridge. He then grumpily eats the rice only, avoiding the vegetable-bits.